Saturday, February 26, 2022

“We Shall Overcome” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

'We Shall Overcome' Martin Luther King, Jr.

That great speech by Martin Luther King Jr. is a pledge to the ordinary and old now though the cynic in me doubts if we shall. The invasion of Ukraine by one of the great Super Powers is the latest in a series of interventions by one side or the other where they consider their interests to be at threat and an example of bad faith with regard to any agreements they had brokered. Those who will pay the price are long removed from that point of influence. The citizens of the Ukraine are right to wish for personal freedoms though whether they could have found them in any alignment west of  Kyiv is doubtful. A shout out also to the brave protesters who took to the streets of  Moscow or other Russian cities protesting against the war and I wish them better luck than those in the West who were beaten off their own streets for protesting against the loss of their own personal liberties. 

Listening to the Brendan O'Connor show on RTE this morning and his interviews with those who were engaged in or fleeing the conflict was harrowing stuff and demonstrated that this Europe of ours is useless at protecting its people. Indeed the West now seems to ape or admire the very social controls and restrictions that dictatorships use to control their own people. The outlook is bleak. Loaded by Divine Missionaries and with thanks. 

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