Saturday, February 23, 2019

An Tobar/Poetry for Pleasure!

An Tobar/ Poetry for Pleasure ~ February 2019!

Carel Owens chaired last Tuesday night's meeting of the group and on a theme of "Poems of the Heart" there were some interesting choices. Her own poem about her father and one by Brigid Herbert did not have titles. The night led off with a poem by MacDara Woods "The Sixteenth kind of Fear" and one I'm not familiar with and hope I got it right. Hannah Hodgson's "Parents" is another one I haven't come across and Willie Hodgson read a couple "The Private Tutor" and "A Proposal" and I think there are a number of them out there with titles of the same. "Spring Memory" by Teresa Brayton is I think is from her book "Songs of the Dawn" and I hope someone will correct me if I got any of the above wrong. "Flowers" by Wendy Cope was also included as was "Young Lambs" by John Clare. Ruairi Somers read his own poem "The Shopkeeper" and I read "A House of Cards" and Willie read one of his own as well. I will have to check the title. A night for detective work! The theme for next month is "Celtic Travellers." Should be interesting! 

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