Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year 2016!

From Google Images
Well that's another year gone and while this one brings the centenary of the Easter Rising; any number of battles of the First World War and the divisions of the present day Middle East; events that would help to  shape the world we live in today, the coming year also brings an election and nothing much learned. Natural disasters may be one thing but houses that were built on flood plains and homeless people living on the streets is not something we should allow for, one hundred years on. Not forgetting the thousands who were forced to emigrate and taxes that should never have been levied simply because they are immoral! Another great problem is the houses that remain boarded up month after month when people could have been moved into them long before the grass grew in the door, but protocols I suppose to keep the rain out, the hungry fed and the children in front of a cosy fire. As for the health service..... Anyway have a happy new year and all the best.

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