Sunday, July 17, 2011

On Matters Of Jurisprudence

A Treatise Upon Discernment                                           

Wanted Judges!
Patrician types for small fringe festival.
No experience necessary as training will be given though willingness to suspend critical faculties while taking cognizance of social mores and the need to trim down accordingly a must!

Some knowledge of parlour music essential and while one might encounter the odd malign influence the opportunity to dine out should provide ample reward. Though grapes are to be avoided.

Reading material may be provided by the Board and while we would have no wish to influence any decision made please be advised that "It was only a whimsical notion" has been over subscribed and that you may wish to provide your own copy.

Reading backwards can be difficult at first but this is easily mastered and in order to enjoy the full majesty we suggest that you leave the light on!

Colloquial reference and items of or pertaining to the vernacular can be trying, but these can be alleviated by the partaking of the balm and listening to a little light music, the machinations and turnover positions on the enigma variations might provide for easy listening if I can borrow from another source but we leave this to your discretion! Weighed under and with the onerous and often unenviable task of discriminating in this regard one wonders how you will sleep at night. The party hat though is to be obligatory. In matters of jurisprudence it is best to know what side your bread is buttered on!

Finally, and while the gentle reminder that the judge's decision is final will often suffice one is cautioned that in this neck of the woods it often!

                                                                                                                                 Jay Swift

Translations available 
Beer Cans and Coffee Cups
Tee-Shirts and Knick Knacks.
Copywright on the above! 



Michael Farry said...

That's good Frank. Great satire. Use it next year in the Battle of the Books!! It's under five minutes as well.

Frank said...

Oh Swiss movement and a judge that can read and we're in with a shout!