Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Meath Writers' Circle ~ August Meeting 2024!

The Meath Writers' Circle ~ August Meeting 2024!

The next meeting of our group is believe it or not 'tonight' and I'll have to reprimand myself for not putting the notification up sooner. So if you happen to be in the Trim area of County Meath, or even close then why not drop in to Trim Library between 6.15 pm to 8.15 pm for an evening of poetry and prose. All are welcome to attend and there is no cost. Feel free to bring a piece you've written yourself or something by a favourite writer or if you just want to sit in and listen; no problem . The theme or prompt from last month's gathering was on the subject of healing so it will be very interesting to hear the contributions. Hope to see you there. FM. 

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