Thursday, August 24, 2023

Elizabeth Hickey - 1917 - 1999!

Elizabeth Hickey!

Came across this while wandering through youtube and I can remember the late Tommy Murray bringing her name up on more than a few occasions. Elizabeth Hickey lived very close to here and while I've been to many 'readings' and book launches over the years, I can't remember anyone else giving her a mention, although you might rightly claim she was one of the county's leading historians. There is an interesting piece on her background and her contributions over on Wikipedia and the above video is from Wiki Reads. (With thanks) She was the author of ' The Green Cockatrice', an account I believe that doesn't buy into the 'Stratford Story' and you'll have to chase that one up yourself as I have yet to read it and will not venture an opinion. I would imagine her research though was fairly comprehensive, so on my 'to do list'. For those who are foreign to these parts, Skryne is pronounced 'Skreen'. With that I will leave you. Enjoy. 

Elizabeth Hickey ~ 1917 - 1999. 

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